Puppet Show Shorts

Moving to Singapore a little over two years ago meant my knitting slowed down dramatically (who needs sweaters in the tropics?!), but I did start sewing a lot more, largely for my children. I soon discovered that, a little unsurprisingly, sewing patterns for little boys from the major commercial pattern makers were...well, ordinary. So began my exploration of what more lay out there in the great world of sewing, other than what I could find in big fabric stores (like Spotlight, here in Singapore). And this is how I discovered Oliver + S. I admit I was first attracted to their cute paper doll graphics on the patterns, but after spending far too much time going through the blog, the shop, and reading reviews, I was convinced to buy a few patterns to try for my two little ones. Living in Singapore meant the shipping costs for paper patterns were quite high, so I opted for digital patterns. I'm still not sure if I like the process of printing, cutting and sticking together the patterns myself. My local print shop apparently does not have the large format paper needed to print all the pieces on one page, so every so often, my floor is covered with little strips of paper. Luckily my children seem to find these great fun to play with!

One of the first things I made with an Oliver + S pattern were the Puppet Show Shorts for my daughter.

The pattern directions are really clear, and other than the time it took to assemble the pattern pieces, these were really fast to make. I love the pockets and they fit really well. I'm inspired to make lots more, and in this weather, shorts are a year-round wardrobe staple!


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